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...powerful cultural crisis will pass when dealt with actively. Seeking professional help is not shameful. It’s a good idea to seek help whenever you feel bad for a longer period...

About mental disorders

...get help and support for your mental healthMental Health First Aid 2® course provides the participants with information on mental disorders and tools for approaching and talking with...

How can I seek help for mental health issues?

...doctor and tell them how you feel. Health care workers have a non-disclosure obligation, so you can talk to them confidentially. Seeking help for mental health issues is not uncommon...

Front page

عما تبحث؟ أبحث اليوم عن.. كيف يمكنني طلب المساعدة في قضايا الصحة النفسية؟ حول اضطرابات الصحة النفسية المواقف الصعبة في الحياة الأفكار الانتحارية الهجرة الصحة النفسية تحت المراقبة البحث...