Past projects of MIELI
Information on past projects of MIELI and their results can be found here.
CRISP – Citizenship, Recovery, and Inclusive Society Partnership
The trans-atlantic CRISP Partnership (2016-2019) consisted of non-governmental mental health organisations and universities. The main objectives of the CRISP network were to promote social inclusion, citizenship, and human rights of people with lived experience of mental health problems, with a special focus on intersectionality. CRISP was funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research programme.
EU Joint Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing
MIELI led the work on integrating mental health in other public policies in the Joint Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing 2013-2016. The work aimed to identify and disseminate tools and good policy practices that support inclusion of mental health in the decision-making and work of non-health sectors.
EU-Compass for Mental Health and Wellbeing
The EU-Compass consortium (2015-18) was set up to disseminate the European Framework for Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing and to collect, exchange and analyse information on European countries’ policy and stakeholder activities in mental health.
MindsTogether – Effective mental health and substance abuse services
The objective of the MindsTogether project was to provide decision makers with evidence-based guidance about effective models for mental health and addiction services. The project was funded as a part of Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities in 2017.
MIOS – Mental well-being and inclusion in multicultural Finland
The MIOS Project (2018-2020) developed the TOIVO group activity concept and the OmaMieli online platform for immigrants. The project aimed to strengthen mental health literacy and promote mental health of immigrants.
MIRAKLE – Building blocks for mental wellbeing of the older
The Mirakle Project (2012-2016) developed materials and activities which support and promote mental health of the older. MIRAKLE initiated the Mielellään Network, which carries the work forward.