Child’s Mind – Mental health promotion in early childhood education and child health clinics

- Author / illustrator:
- Elina Marjamäki, Susanna Kosonen, Soile Törrönen, Marjo Hannukkala
- Publisher:
- MIELI Mental Health Finland
- Year of publication:
- 2019
- Scope:
- 125 p
How can you support the mental health of small children? How do you teach mental health skills to them? Early childhood education and child health clinic professionals have many opportunities to support and strengthen the mental health of small children and to improve the wllbeing of families. Discussing mental health topics, engaging with children and parents, being mindfully present and providing love are central to it. Learning about emotional skills and friendships, the presence of safe adults and daily routines all strenghten mental health of small children.
Child’s Mind – Mental health promotion in early childhood education and child health clinics encourages and inspires professionals working with small children to acknowledge the importance of mental health promotion on wellbeing. It provides information on mental health promotion on wellbeing.
The book has a variety of exercises and ideas for learning about mental health themes through play, physical activities, music and art. They are a great source of inspiration for early childhood educators and others working with children and families.
Out of print.
Page edited 31.5.2024