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Social phobia alleviate the symptoms. However, substance use only makes the situation worse. In addition, substance use involves the risk of addiction. The suffering caused by social phobias may even lead...

Nuoret naiset haluavat omien arvojensa mukaisen työelämän

...ihanteen mukaiseksi edellyttää alakohtaisten, työhön liittyvien ristiriitojen ja epävarmuuksien käsittelemistä. Näiden teemojen käsitteleminen jo opiskeluaikana voisi tukea työelämään siirtymistä. Lähde Emma Lamberg (2023): Becoming workers: How young women negotiate their...

World Mental Health Day October 10th 2022

...Chair volunteers and crisis workers provide Worry Chair services around Finland. How can you participate in World Mental Health Day? 1. Ask what’s up. Talk, listen and be present. If...

What does MIELI Mental Health Finland do?

...Day on 10 October.  National and international influence  Well-functioning social structures promote mental health and prevent mental health issues. MIELI advices decision-makers on how to improve the well-being of people...

De­pres­sion and ado­les­cence

...manifesting themselves as restlessness, self-effacement and behavioural disorders. However, the probability of depressive episodes is dramatically increased during puberty and shortly thereafter. Puberty is characterised by intense feelings, occasional melancholy...

The Eco-Crisis, Our Future and Mental Health

...current reports show that the environmental crisis causes harmful mental health and wellbeing effects, but society’s support structures are still insufficient in this respect. In the middle of environmental changes and...

Hand of mental health

Hand of Mental Health encourages us to reflect and discuss our everyday choices and their impact on our mental health. How does sleep and rest, food, relationships and emotions affect...

Mitä sinulle kuuluu? -julisteet

...ihmiset näkemään mielenterveyden positiivisessa valossa. Jokaisella on mielenterveys.” “Idea näistä julisteista syntyi, kun mietimme kuinka merkittävä niinkin perustava kysymys kuin ”How are you” on. Sitä pitäisi muistaa kysyä niin muilta...

The MIRAKLE Project 2012-2016

...and awareness skills, life skills, resilience and coping skills. All the activities and materials were co-created together with the older people. Mirakle-project was interested in how older people themselves see...

Self-destructive thoughts are not uncommon

...often involves a mental health disorder, although self-destructiveness is not an illness in and of itself. However, not all people living with self-destructive thoughts or behaviour have a diagnosed mental...