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Haulla "Mental%20health%20services" löytyi 201 tulosta.


Past projects

...programme. EU Joint Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing MIELI led the work on integrating mental health in other public policies in the Joint Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing...

What is mental health?

...system that is close by and easily accessible Mental health can be improved Every day we make numerous decisions regarding our physical and mental health. Mental wellbeing is built on...

The Eco-Crisis, Our Future and Mental Health

...current reports show that the environmental crisis causes harmful mental health and wellbeing effects, but society’s support structures are still insufficient in this respect. In the middle of environmental changes and...

Mental Well-being for Young Athletes

...them into everyday coaching. Use the six dimension of mental well-being in sports. Mental well-being creates stronger basis for young athletes in sports and in life. Dimensions of Mental Well-being...


Most people with mental health problems can get better. Recovery is a process of change through which people with lived experience of mental disorder improve their mental health and wellness....


...mental disorder. ‘Depression’ may refer to temporarily feeling bad as part of life’s normal disappointments, fatigue, melancholy and sadness. Normally these feelings help people change and develop, and no treatment is needed...

Mental Health Art Week 2024: Connecting in tune

...importance of mental wellbeing in your event. Be vocal about Mental Health Art Week and our main message: Cultural participation fosters mental wellbeing! Find the closest MIELI member association to...