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Med sökningen "F��ra barnen p�� tal" hittades 305 resultat.


Mental Well-being for Young Athletes

...them into everyday coaching. Use the six dimension of mental well-being in sports. Mental well-being creates stronger basis for young athletes in sports and in life. Dimensions of Mental Well-being...


Most people with mental health problems can get better. Recovery is a process of change through which people with lived experience of mental disorder improve their mental health and wellness....

Taloushuolet kuormittavat mielenterveyttä

...mieliala heikkenee, ihmissuhteet kärsivät ja fyysinen kunto rapautuu. Taloudellinen hyvinvointi suojaa mielenterveyttä Taloudellinen hyvinvointi tarkoittaa kokemusta oman talouden hallinnasta, turvallista oloa suhteessa rahaan ja sitä, että rahaa on riittävästi tarpeista...

Let´s Talk about Children

...Let’s Talk about Children in the EU Public Health Best Practice Portal (siirryt toiseen palveluun) Let´s Talk about Children in the national Early Interventions database (siirryt toiseen palveluun) Niemelä, M...

Welcome to Lapinlahden Lähde

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55t7fLZJXDc&t=6s Lapinlahden Lähde on mental health and cultural event venue in Helsinki, located in the old Lapinlahti hospital. Lähde provides spaces and organizes events, seminars, and occasions related to well-being...

Avslappnande animation intresserade barnen i Grankulla

...jämnar ut intensiva känslomässiga tillstånd. Efter den 6min långa animationen får barnen berätta vad de tyckte om övningen. BRA , säger Benjamin Hohental och Alexander Wasastjerna. Lite ont i ryggen...

Föra barnen på tal® -servicemodell

Arbete med Föra barnental® som en servicemodell betyder att man utvecklar och implementerar ett barncentrerat arbetssätt. Arbetet görs tillsammans med Föra barnental -utbildare och -aktörer. Modellen...


...or to the health care professionals. Instead of talking about depression, he/she may talk about personal relationships, sleeping problems, financial troubles or health problems. Depression is a common mental disorder...

Mental Health Art Week 2024: Connecting in tune

...importance of mental wellbeing in your event. Be vocal about Mental Health Art Week and our main message: Cultural participation fosters mental wellbeing! Find the closest MIELI member association to...